Is Atkins the Best Low Carb Diet?

Most people have heard of the Atkins diet but is it the best low carb diet? Its supporters have nothing but good to say about it but its detractors aren't backward in expressing their feelings either. The biggest criticism is the near total absence of whole grain foods, which many consider to be the foundation of a healthy diet.

Following the Atkins diet involves almost completely eliminating carbohydrates from your diet. While it might be the best low carb diet, there never used to be much emphasis on exercise. However, that seems to have changed and that can only be a good thing as the best low carb diet in the world won't tone your body and keep your cardio vascular system in good shape like an exercise regime will.


You should be careful that you have the full picture if you want to follow the Atkins regime as there is some very misleading information to be found on the internet. When all's said and done, you only lose weight if you burn more calories than you take in. The restriction or otherwise of your intake of carbohydrate is irrelevant if you've consumed a thousand calories too many during the course of the day.

You may have the impression that you can eat as much as you like during the day as long as you don't eat any carbohydrates but that simply isn't true. There may not be any carbs in six rashers of bacon but there sure are a load of calories that will put on the pounds. Having said that, there are some interesting concepts in this diet and many of the foods which are not allowed are those which contain complex sugars which are difficult for the body to dispose of and that's the reason that many people find this to be the best low carb diet.

If you're thinking about starting this diet, you need to know that it is a diet plan you will need to follow for the rest of your life for you to get the maximum benefits. The restrictions will be fewer when you reach the maintenance phases but basically you can forget cream cakes, doughnuts and similar for ever. However, you'll probably find that your appetite is retrained during the course of the early phases of the plan and you'll feel so buoyed up by your weight loss that you won't even want a cake or a biscuit.

So many people have found Atkins to be the best low carb diet and have achieved great results by following it, so the only way to really be sure is to try it for yourself.

Is Atkins the Best Low Carb Diet?

If you don't fancy following the Atkins diet but you're serious about losing weight, visit Fat Loss Reviews and check out the reviews of our top 5 weight loss products.